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Sacred Soothsayer

Kuntanawa Flor de Jarina| Invisibility Cloak

Kuntanawa Flor de Jarina| Invisibility Cloak

Regular price $54.00 USD
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Vibrational Essence:

  • Protective: Shields from harmful energies, creating a protective field.
  • Grounding: Promotes a calming wave from head to toe.
  • Harmonizing: Enhances safety, balance, and peace within.
  • Clarity: Aids in mental clarity and emotional balance.

Blend Profile:

Flor de Jarina Hapé, crafted by the Kuntanawa tribe, is a revered blend featuring Moi, Jarina flowers, and Xixá ashes. This exceptionally fine powder is celebrated for its protective and grounding qualities. The powerful blend starts with a strong effect even at small doses and causing eye-watering with larger doses. It delivers a profound calming wave that guides users from the head down, offering a deep connection to the earth.

The Kuntanawa believe that the Jarina flowers possess the power to make the user invisible to enemies, offering protection from both physical and spiritual harm. They believe Jarina flowers create a field of safety and balance around the user. Their rich, forest flower flavors are complemented by the Xixá tree ashes, enhancing the Rapé's potent effects. The initial intensity is followed by lasting aftereffects, providing a comforting and grounding experience.

Jarina flowers, famed for their fragrant allure and ability to attract a diverse range of insects (bees especially love the flower), hold a special place in regional mythology and Ayahuasca brews. Their inclusion in this Rapé blend reflects the Kuntanawa tribe's deep spiritual and protective traditions.

About The Tribe

This product is sold as a raw botanical specimen with no implied or expressed suitability for any specific purpose. It is intended only for educational, scientific, or ethnographic research purposes. We do not assume liability for the use of this product.

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This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for a specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen, or a scientific sample. The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of our product is at the customer's decision, responsibility and risk.

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